Sleep diagnostics

Sleep diagnostics can identify sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, insomnia, restless legs syndrome, and parasomnias, which can lead to targeted treatment and improvement in sleep quality.

Sleep disorders have a direct impact on performance during the day, which can manifest in symptoms such as daytime sleepiness, concentration problems, and even microsleep. However, long-term untreated sleep disorders can have far-reaching consequences that include a number of serious illnesses. These include cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders, obesity, mental illness, immunodeficiency, cognitive impairment, and an increased risk of accidents. A disturbed sleep pattern can therefore result in a variety of health problems, which is why appropriate treatment and management of sleep disorders are crucial.


Polygraphy (PG)

Polygraphy is a simplified form of sleep diagnostics that measures fewer parameters than polysomnography. Usually, polygraphy includes the recording of respiratory flow, respiratory effort, oxygen saturation in the blood, and also snoring activity. Compared to polysomnography, polygraphy is less complex and is more commonly used to monitor patients at home, particularly for the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea and to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

Polysomnography (PSG)

Polysomnography is a more detailed sleep study. It includes all the parameters that are also recorded during polygraphy, plus the measurement of brain activity using EEG (electroencephalography), eye movements using EOG (electrooculography), and muscle activity on the chin using EMG (electromyography).

Polysomnography is often used to diagnose sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and other sleep disorders.

If necessary, a further examination can be carried out in a sleep laboratory, where polysomnography is usually performed in conjunction with real-time camera recordings.

Advantages of our sleep diagnosis

Our modular sleep diagnostics system not only offers innovative technology but also a high degree of flexibility. It can be expanded from polygraphy (PG) to polysomnography (PSG) in simple steps. Thanks to its impressively compact design and user-friendly application, BluNet is the optimal choice for maximum performance. Small size, big performance.

Analyze the data with the software of your choice! There is no mandatory link between hardware and analysis software. The hardware is also available without analysis software.

Our software is compatible with a wide range of applications, including Polysmith BluNet, RemLogic (if the EDF import function is available), Rembrant, Noxturnal, Domino, and more.

Our system provides EDF+ data that can be imported into any conventional sleep analysis software